SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Bandhan Small Cap Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 39.344
24-02-2025 39.479
21-02-2025 39.897
20-02-2025 40.142
19-02-2025 39.631
18-02-2025 38.868
17-02-2025 39.352
14-02-2025 39.55
13-02-2025 40.745
12-02-2025 40.809
11-02-2025 40.829
10-02-2025 42.164
07-02-2025 43.098
06-02-2025 43.452
05-02-2025 43.553
04-02-2025 42.919
03-02-2025 42.34
31-01-2025 42.747
30-01-2025 42.0
29-01-2025 41.965
28-01-2025 40.779
27-01-2025 41.143
24-01-2025 42.425
23-01-2025 43.478
22-01-2025 43.232
21-01-2025 43.769
20-01-2025 44.626
17-01-2025 44.269
16-01-2025 44.306
15-01-2025 43.841
14-01-2025 43.672
13-01-2025 42.852
10-01-2025 44.505
09-01-2025 45.585
08-01-2025 46.161
07-01-2025 46.755
06-01-2025 46.161
03-01-2025 47.669
02-01-2025 47.617
01-01-2025 47.234
31-12-2024 46.904
30-12-2024 46.64
27-12-2024 46.921
26-12-2024 46.708
24-12-2024 46.829
23-12-2024 46.691
20-12-2024 46.945
19-12-2024 47.984
18-12-2024 48.161
17-12-2024 48.451
16-12-2024 48.646
13-12-2024 48.355
12-12-2024 48.57
11-12-2024 48.975
10-12-2024 48.793
09-12-2024 48.692
06-12-2024 48.471
05-12-2024 48.123
04-12-2024 48.026
03-12-2024 47.81
02-12-2024 47.318
30-11-2024 47.003
29-11-2024 47.004
28-11-2024 46.679
27-11-2024 46.408
26-11-2024 45.706
25-11-2024 45.299
22-11-2024 44.689
21-11-2024 44.229
19-11-2024 44.506
18-11-2024 44.171
14-11-2024 44.549
13-11-2024 44.224
12-11-2024 45.477
11-11-2024 46.117
08-11-2024 46.497
07-11-2024 47.248
06-11-2024 47.675
05-11-2024 46.765
04-11-2024 46.451
31-10-2024 46.638
30-10-2024 46.148
29-10-2024 45.538
28-10-2024 45.25
25-10-2024 44.483
24-10-2024 45.615
23-10-2024 46.139
22-10-2024 45.755
21-10-2024 47.262
18-10-2024 47.9
17-10-2024 47.988
16-10-2024 48.692
15-10-2024 48.58
14-10-2024 48.007
11-10-2024 47.988
10-10-2024 47.782
09-10-2024 47.612
08-10-2024 47.156
07-10-2024 46.12
04-10-2024 47.418
03-10-2024 47.791
01-10-2024 48.64
30-09-2024 48.496
27-09-2024 48.441
26-09-2024 48.519
25-09-2024 48.698
24-09-2024 48.822
23-09-2024 48.758
20-09-2024 48.304
19-09-2024 47.728
18-09-2024 48.318
17-09-2024 48.535
16-09-2024 48.45
13-09-2024 48.183
12-09-2024 47.843
11-09-2024 47.422
10-09-2024 47.524
09-09-2024 47.017
06-09-2024 47.302
05-09-2024 47.792
04-09-2024 47.477
03-09-2024 47.374
02-09-2024 47.001
31-08-2024 47.136
30-08-2024 47.137
29-08-2024 46.668
28-08-2024 46.919
27-08-2024 46.858
26-08-2024 46.592
23-08-2024 46.438
22-08-2024 46.156
21-08-2024 45.947
20-08-2024 45.465
19-08-2024 45.107
16-08-2024 44.501
14-08-2024 43.696
13-08-2024 43.69
12-08-2024 44.123
09-08-2024 44.015
08-08-2024 43.563
07-08-2024 43.625
06-08-2024 42.665
05-08-2024 42.867
02-08-2024 44.167
01-08-2024 44.25
31-07-2024 44.34
30-07-2024 44.281
29-07-2024 43.848
26-07-2024 43.564
25-07-2024 43.083
24-07-2024 43.091
23-07-2024 42.37
22-07-2024 42.451
19-07-2024 42.094
18-07-2024 42.926
16-07-2024 43.237
15-07-2024 43.141
12-07-2024 42.927
11-07-2024 43.017
10-07-2024 42.684
09-07-2024 42.765
08-07-2024 42.626
05-07-2024 42.625
04-07-2024 42.379
03-07-2024 42.211
02-07-2024 41.891
01-07-2024 41.924
30-06-2024 41.087
28-06-2024 41.09
27-06-2024 40.798
26-06-2024 40.896
25-06-2024 40.875
24-06-2024 40.729
21-06-2024 40.528
20-06-2024 40.556
19-06-2024 40.383
18-06-2024 40.407
14-06-2024 40.286
13-06-2024 40.09
12-06-2024 39.695
11-06-2024 39.393
10-06-2024 39.238
07-06-2024 38.795
06-06-2024 37.917
05-06-2024 36.999
04-06-2024 35.816
03-06-2024 38.247
31-05-2024 37.565
30-05-2024 37.424
29-05-2024 37.916
28-05-2024 37.832
27-05-2024 38.066
24-05-2024 38.107
23-05-2024 38.152
22-05-2024 38.084
21-05-2024 38.155
17-05-2024 38.108
16-05-2024 37.496
15-05-2024 37.17
14-05-2024 36.882
13-05-2024 36.454
10-05-2024 36.44
09-05-2024 36.191
08-05-2024 37.074
07-05-2024 36.876
06-05-2024 37.312
03-05-2024 37.776
02-05-2024 37.899
30-04-2024 37.626
29-04-2024 37.519
26-04-2024 37.364
25-04-2024 37.272
24-04-2024 36.952
23-04-2024 36.805
22-04-2024 36.435
19-04-2024 36.094
18-04-2024 36.113
16-04-2024 36.135
15-04-2024 35.816
12-04-2024 36.168
10-04-2024 36.335
09-04-2024 36.198
08-04-2024 36.121
05-04-2024 36.138
04-04-2024 36.006
03-04-2024 35.854
02-04-2024 35.42
01-04-2024 35.07
31-03-2024 34.301
28-03-2024 34.304
27-03-2024 34.156
26-03-2024 33.967

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